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PL +48 603 185 177, HK +852 5343 8497

It took 5 years from the first meeting with young investors until completion of Monochrom Music Recording Studio. What seemed just an unrealistic vision of two fresh graduate acoustic ingeeners is becoming now one of most popular recording venues in Poland and this part of Europe. The site located on the top of the mountain in remote mountain village was a challenge to get a planning permission. That, together with limited budget resulted in simple form of an old black barn, cladded with wooden planks, that wouldn’t disturb the surrounding much. The form was a result of spatial arrangements and of focus on spectacular view. The big square windows in the studio level were later replaced with irregular rythm that serves its accoustic function. The area of 500 sq. m was divided into recording space on the main floor, sleeping quarters in the lower floor and small owners studio flat on the upper  floor. The author of the studio layout and solutions is famous Japanese accoustic designer Sam Toyoshima  author of world most famous studios like Abbey Road or Metropolis. Gniewoszow village the remote village in Bystrzyckie Mountains is becoming a  community for creative young people looking for escape from busy city life.